Use Microsoft Word 2013 to MailMerge an Email and Send via Outlook.

The data for this post is available called “email data.csv”.

This post assumes that you have set up your Microsoft Outlook to send and receive messages.

  1. Open up a blank document.
  2. Click on the “Mailings” tab in Word 2013.
  3. Click “Start Mail Merge” pulldown and then “Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard…”.
  4. Click “Step 1 of 6: Next Starting Document”.
  5. Click “Step 2 of 6: Next Select Recpients”.
  6. Click “Browse …”
  7. Select “email data.csv”; and then, “Open”.
  1. Click on “Filter …” and “OK”.
  2. Under “Field” select from the dropdown “group”.
    Under “Comparison” select “equal to”.
    Under “Compare to” type “Blue”. Other options are Red, Yellow, or Orange.
    Then “OK”, “OK”.

    1. The next stage is to write the email.
      “Dear x, Your appointment has been made for y on Wednesday. Yours, Roger Smith.”
      For x select from “Insert Merge Field” first_name; for y select time.

    2. Click on “Step 4 of 6: Review your email message”.
    3. Click “Step 5 of 6: Next Complete the Merge”.
    4. Click “Electronic Mail …”
    5. Click “Fiish & Merge” pulldown on the ribbon then “Send Email Messages …”
    6. Type “Your Appointment” under “Subject Line” then “OK”.
      The email has been sent to Outlook and double check all have been sent by clicking “Send All”.
    7. The emails in Outlook.